Beceri discorsi - 002
“Aveva dodici anni, ma non mi prendere per un Girolimoni, a dodici anni
quelle lì erano già donne”.
“animalino docile”
“Coi negri non si fraternizza”
“In Africa è un’altra cosa, non c’è stata nessuna violenza, le ragazze in
Abissinia si sposano a dodici anni.”
Indro Montanelli
Beceri speeches - 002
"He was twelve, but don't take me for a Girolimoni, at twelve they were already women there."
"Docile animal"
"With Negroes you don't fraternize"
"In Africa it is another thing, there was no violence, the girls in Abyssinia are married at the age of twelve."
Indro Montanelli
"He was twelve, but don't take me for a Girolimoni, at twelve they were already women there."
"Docile animal"
"With Negroes you don't fraternize"
"In Africa it is another thing, there was no violence, the girls in Abyssinia are married at the age of twelve."
Indro Montanelli
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