dirti di Berenice, città ingiusta, che incorona con triglifi abachi metope gli
ingranaggi dei suoi macchinari tritacarne (gli addetti al servizio di lucidatura
quando alzano il mento sopra le balaustre e contemplano gli atri, le scalee, i
pronai si sentono ancora più prigionieri e bassi di statura), dovrei parlarti
della Berenice nascosta, la città dei giusti, armeggianti con materiali di
fortuna nell'ombra di retrobotteghe e sottoscale, allacciando una rete di fili e
tubi e carrucole e stantuffi e contrappesi che s'infiltra come una pianta
rampicante tra le grandi ruote dentate (quando queste s'incepperanno, un
ticchettio sommesso avvertirà che un nuovo esatto meccanismo governa la città);
anziché rappresentarti le vasche profumate delle terme sdraiati sul cui bordo
gli ingiusti di Berenice intessono con rotonda eloquenza i loro intrighi e
osservano con occhio proprietario le rotonde carni delle odalische che si
bagnano, dovrei dirti di come i giusti, sempre guardinghi per sottrarsi alle
spiate dei sicofanti e alle retate dei giannizzeri, si riconoscano dal modo di
parlare, specialmente dalla pronuncia delle virgole e delle parentesi; dai
costumi che serbano austeri e innocenti eludendo gli stati d'animo complicati e
ombrosi; dalla cucina sobria ma saporita, che rievoca un'antica età dell'oro:
minestrone di riso e sedano, fave bollite, fiori di zucchino fritti.
questi dati è possibile dedurre un'immagine della Berenice futura, che ti
avvicinerà alla conoscenza del vero più d'ogni notizia sulla città quale oggi si
mostra. Sempre che tu tenga conto di ciò che sto per dirti: nel seme della città
dei giusti sta nascosta a sua volta una semenza maligna; la certezza e
l'orgoglio d'essere nel giusto - e d'esserlo più di tanti altri che si dicono
giusti più del giusto - fermentano in rancori rivalità ripicchi, e il naturale
desiderio di rivalsa sugli ingiusti si tinge della smania d'essere al loro posto
a far lo stesso di loro. Un'altra città ingiusta, pur sempre diversa dalla
prima, sta dunque scavando il suo spazio dentro il doppio involucro delle
Berenici ingiusta e giusta.
questo, se non voglio che il tuo sguardo colga un'immagine deformata, devo
attrarre la tua attenzione su una qualità intrinseca di questa città ingiusta
che germoglia in segreto nella segreta città giusta: ed è il possibile risveglio
- come un concitato aprirsi di finestre - d'un latente amore per il giusto, non
ancora sottoposto a regole, capace di ricomporre una città più giusta ancora di
quanto non fosse prima di diventare recipiente dell'ingiustizia. Ma se si scruta
ancora nell'interno di questo nuovo germe del giusto vi si scopre una
macchiolina che si dilata come la crescente inclinazione a imporre ciò che è
giusto attraverso ciò che è ingiusto, e forse è il germe d'un'immensa
mio discorso avrai tratto la conclusione che la vera Berenice è una successione
nel tempo di città diverse, alternativamente giuste e ingiuste. Ma la cosa di
cui volevo avvertirti è un'altra: che tutte le Berenici future sono già presenti
in questo istante, avvolte l'una dentro l'altra, strette pigiate
Calvino, Le città
I should not tell you of Berenice, the unjust city,
which crowns with triglyphs, abaci, metopes the
gears of its meat-grinding machines (the men assigned
to polishing, when they raise their chins over
the balustrades and contemplate the atria, stairways,
porticos, feel even more imprisoned and short of stature).
Instead, I should tell you of the hidden Berenice,
the city of the just, handling makeshift materials
in the shadowy rooms behind the shops and beneath
the stairs, linking a network of wires and pipes and
pulleys and pistons and counterweights that infiltrates
like a climbing plant among the great cogged
wheels (when they jam, a subdued ticking gives warning
that a new precision mechanism is governing the
city). Instead of describing to you the perfumed
pools of the baths where the unjust of Berenice recline
and weave their intrigues with rotund eloquence
and observe with a proprietary eye the rotund
Besh of the bathing odalisques, I should say to you
how the just, always cautious to evade the spying
sycophants and the Janizaries' mass arrests, recognize
one another by their way of speaking, especially their
pronunciation of commas and parentheses; from their
habits which remain austere and innocent, avoiding
complicated and nervous moods; from their sober but
tasty cuisine, which evokes an ancient golden age:
rice and celery soup, boiled beans, fried squash
From these data it is possible to deduce an image
of the future Berenice, which will bring you closer to
knowing the truth than any other information about
the city as it is seen today. You must nevertheless
bear in mind what I am about to say to you: in the
seed of the city of the just, a malignant seed is hidden,
in its turn: the certainty and pride of being in
the right-flnd of being more just than many others
who call themselves more just than the just. This
seed ferments in bitterness, rivalry, resentment; and
the natural desire of revenge on the: unjust is colored
by a yearning to be in their place and to act as they
do-.- Another unjust city, though different from the
first, is digging out its space within the double
sheath of the unjust and just Berenices.
Having said this, I do not wish your eyes to catch
a distorted image, so I must draw your attention to
an intrinsic quality of this unjust city germinating
secretly inside the secret just city: and this is the
possible awakening-as if in an excited opening of
windows-of a later love for justice, not yet subjected
to rules, capable of reassembling a city still
more just than it was before it became the vessel of
injustice. But if you peer deeper into this new germ
of justice you can discern a tiny spot that is spreading
like the mounting tendency to impose what is
just through what is unjust. and perhaps this is the
germ of an immense metropolis.
From my words you will have reached the conclusion
that the real Berenice is a temporal succession of
different cities. alternately just and unjust. But what
I wanted to warn you about is something else: all the
future Berenices are already present in this instant.
wrapped one within the other. confined. crammed.
which crowns with triglyphs, abaci, metopes the
gears of its meat-grinding machines (the men assigned
to polishing, when they raise their chins over
the balustrades and contemplate the atria, stairways,
porticos, feel even more imprisoned and short of stature).
Instead, I should tell you of the hidden Berenice,
the city of the just, handling makeshift materials
in the shadowy rooms behind the shops and beneath
the stairs, linking a network of wires and pipes and
pulleys and pistons and counterweights that infiltrates
like a climbing plant among the great cogged
wheels (when they jam, a subdued ticking gives warning
that a new precision mechanism is governing the
city). Instead of describing to you the perfumed
pools of the baths where the unjust of Berenice recline
and weave their intrigues with rotund eloquence
and observe with a proprietary eye the rotund
Besh of the bathing odalisques, I should say to you
how the just, always cautious to evade the spying
sycophants and the Janizaries' mass arrests, recognize
one another by their way of speaking, especially their
pronunciation of commas and parentheses; from their
habits which remain austere and innocent, avoiding
complicated and nervous moods; from their sober but
tasty cuisine, which evokes an ancient golden age:
rice and celery soup, boiled beans, fried squash
From these data it is possible to deduce an image
of the future Berenice, which will bring you closer to
knowing the truth than any other information about
the city as it is seen today. You must nevertheless
bear in mind what I am about to say to you: in the
seed of the city of the just, a malignant seed is hidden,
in its turn: the certainty and pride of being in
the right-flnd of being more just than many others
who call themselves more just than the just. This
seed ferments in bitterness, rivalry, resentment; and
the natural desire of revenge on the: unjust is colored
by a yearning to be in their place and to act as they
do-.- Another unjust city, though different from the
first, is digging out its space within the double
sheath of the unjust and just Berenices.
Having said this, I do not wish your eyes to catch
a distorted image, so I must draw your attention to
an intrinsic quality of this unjust city germinating
secretly inside the secret just city: and this is the
possible awakening-as if in an excited opening of
windows-of a later love for justice, not yet subjected
to rules, capable of reassembling a city still
more just than it was before it became the vessel of
injustice. But if you peer deeper into this new germ
of justice you can discern a tiny spot that is spreading
like the mounting tendency to impose what is
just through what is unjust. and perhaps this is the
germ of an immense metropolis.
From my words you will have reached the conclusion
that the real Berenice is a temporal succession of
different cities. alternately just and unjust. But what
I wanted to warn you about is something else: all the
future Berenices are already present in this instant.
wrapped one within the other. confined. crammed.
Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities
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