Una Sibilla,
interrogata sul destino di Marozia, disse: - Vedo due città: una del topo, una
della rondine.
L'Oracolo fu
interpretato così: oggi Marozia è una città dove tutti corrono in cunicoli di
piombo come branchi di topi che si strappano di sotto i denti gli avanzi caduti
dai denti dei topi più minacciosi; ma sta per cominciare un nuovo secolo in cui
tutti a Marozia voleranno come le rondini nel cielo d'estate, chiamandosi come
in un gioco, esibendosi in volteggi ad ali ferme, sgombrando l'aria da zanzare e
- E' tempo che
il secolo del topo abbia termine e cominci quello della rondine, - dissero i più
risoluti. E di fatto già sotto il torvo e gretto predominio topesco si sentiva,
tra la gente meno in vista, covare uno slancio da rondini, che puntano verso
l'aria trasparente con un agile colpo di coda e disegnano con la lama delle ali
la curva d'un orizzonte che s'allarga.
Sono tornato a
Marozia dopo anni; la profezia della Sibilla si considera avverata da tempo; il
vecchio secolo è sepolto; il nuovo è al culmine. La città certo è cambiata, e
forse in meglio. Ma le ali che ho visto in giro sono quelle di ombrelli
diffidenti sotto i quali palpebre pesanti s'abbassano sugli sguardi; gente che
crede di volare ce n'è, ma è tanto se si sollevano dal suolo sventolando
palandrane da pipistrello.
Succede pure
che, rasentando i compatti muri di Marozia, quando meno l'aspetti vedi aprirsi
uno spiraglio e appare una città diversa, che dopo un istante è già sparita.
Forse tutto sta a sapere quali parole pronunciare, quali gesti compiere, e in
quale ordine e ritmo, oppure basta lo sguardo la risposta il cenno di qualcuno,
basta che qualcuno faccia qualcosa per il solo piacere di farlo, e perché il suo
piacere diventi piacere altrui: in quel momento tutti gli spazi cambiano, le
altezze, le distanze, la città si trasforma, diventa cristallina, trasparente
come una libellula. Ma bisogna che tutto capiti come per caso, senza dargli
troppa importanza, senza la pretesa di star compiendo una operazione decisiva,
tenendo ben presente che da un momento all'altro la Marozia di prima tornerà a
saldare il suo soffitto di pietra ragnatele e muffa sulle teste.
sbagliava? Non è detto. Io lo interpreto in questo modo: Marozia consiste di due
città: quella del topo e quella della rondine; entrambe cambiano nel tempo; ma
non cambia il loro rapporto: la seconda è quella che sta per sprigionarsi dalla
Calvino, Le città
A sibyl. questioned about Marozia's fate, said. "I see
two cities: one of the rat. one of the swallow."
This was the interpretation of the oracle: today
Marozia is a city where all run through leaden passages
like packs of rats who tear from one another's
teeth the leftovers which fall from the teeth of the
most voracious ones; but a new century is about to
begin in which all the inhabitants of Marozia will By
like swallows in the summer sky. calling one another
as in a game. showing off. their wings still. as they
swoop. clearing the air of mosquitos and gnats.
"It is time for the century of the rat to end and
the century of the swallow to begin." the more determined
said. In fact. already beneath the grim and
petty rattish dominion. you could sense, among the
less obvious people a pondering. the preparation of a
swallowlike Bight. heading for the transparent air
with a deft flick of the tail. then tracing with their
wings' blade the curve of an opening horizon.
I have come back to Marozia after many years: for
some time the sibyl's prophecy is considered to have
come truei the old century is dead and buried. the
new is at its climax. The city has surely changed.
and perhaps for the better. But the wings I have seen
moving about are those of suspicious umbrellas
under which heavy eyelids are lowered; there are people
who believe they are Bying. but it is already an
achievement if they can get off the ground flapping
their bat like overcoats.
It also happens that, if you move along Marozia's
compact walls, when you least expect it, you see a
crack open and a different city appear. Then, an instant
later, it has already vanished. Perhaps everything
lies in knowing what words to speak, whit actions
to perform, and in what order and rhythm; or
else someone s gaze, answer, gesture is enough; it is
enough for someone to do something for the sheer
pleasure of doing it, and for his pleasure to become
the pleasure of others: at that moment, all spaces
change, all heights, distances; ,the city is transfigured,
becomes crystalline, trar,sparent as a dragonfly.
But everything must happen as if by chance, without
attaching too much importance to it, without insisting
that you are performing a decisive operation,
remembering clearly that any moment the old Marazia
will retum and solder its ceiling of stor..e, cobwebs,
and mold over all heads.
Was the oracle mistaken? Not necessarily. I In-
terpret it in this way: Marozia consists of two cities,
the rat's and the swallow's; both change with time,
but their relationship does not change; the second is
the ODe about to free itself from the first.
two cities: one of the rat. one of the swallow."
This was the interpretation of the oracle: today
Marozia is a city where all run through leaden passages
like packs of rats who tear from one another's
teeth the leftovers which fall from the teeth of the
most voracious ones; but a new century is about to
begin in which all the inhabitants of Marozia will By
like swallows in the summer sky. calling one another
as in a game. showing off. their wings still. as they
swoop. clearing the air of mosquitos and gnats.
"It is time for the century of the rat to end and
the century of the swallow to begin." the more determined
said. In fact. already beneath the grim and
petty rattish dominion. you could sense, among the
less obvious people a pondering. the preparation of a
swallowlike Bight. heading for the transparent air
with a deft flick of the tail. then tracing with their
wings' blade the curve of an opening horizon.
I have come back to Marozia after many years: for
some time the sibyl's prophecy is considered to have
come truei the old century is dead and buried. the
new is at its climax. The city has surely changed.
and perhaps for the better. But the wings I have seen
moving about are those of suspicious umbrellas
under which heavy eyelids are lowered; there are people
who believe they are Bying. but it is already an
achievement if they can get off the ground flapping
their bat like overcoats.
It also happens that, if you move along Marozia's
compact walls, when you least expect it, you see a
crack open and a different city appear. Then, an instant
later, it has already vanished. Perhaps everything
lies in knowing what words to speak, whit actions
to perform, and in what order and rhythm; or
else someone s gaze, answer, gesture is enough; it is
enough for someone to do something for the sheer
pleasure of doing it, and for his pleasure to become
the pleasure of others: at that moment, all spaces
change, all heights, distances; ,the city is transfigured,
becomes crystalline, trar,sparent as a dragonfly.
But everything must happen as if by chance, without
attaching too much importance to it, without insisting
that you are performing a decisive operation,
remembering clearly that any moment the old Marazia
will retum and solder its ceiling of stor..e, cobwebs,
and mold over all heads.
Was the oracle mistaken? Not necessarily. I In-
terpret it in this way: Marozia consists of two cities,
the rat's and the swallow's; both change with time,
but their relationship does not change; the second is
the ODe about to free itself from the first.
Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities
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