a dettare le norme per la fondazione di Perinzia gli astronomi stabilirono il
luogo e il giorno secondo la posizione delle stelle, tracciarono le linee
incrociate del decumano e del cardo orientate l'una come il corso del sole e
l'altra come l'asse attorno a cui ruotano i cieli, divisero la mappa secondo le
dodici case dello zodiaco in modo che ogni tempio e ogni quartiere ricevesse il
giusto influsso dalle costellazioni opportune, fissarono il punto delle mura in
cui aprire le porte prevedendo che ognuna inquadrasse un'eclisse di luna nei
mille prossimi anni. Perinzia - assicurarono - avrebbe rispecchiato l'armonia
del firmamento; la ragione della natura e la grazia degli dei avrebbero dato
forma ai destini degli abitanti.
con esattezza i calcoli degli astronomi, Perinzia fu edificata; genti diverse
vennero a popolarla; la prima generazione dei nati a Perinzia prese a crescere
tra le sue mura; e questi alla loro volta raggiunsero l'età di sposarsi e avere
vie e piazze di Perinzia oggi incontri storpi, nani, gobbi, obesi, donne con la
barba. Ma il peggio non si vede; urli gutturali si levano dalle cantine e dai
granai, dove le famiglie nascondono i figli con tre teste o con sei gambe.
astronomi di Perinzia si trovano ora di fronte una difficile scelta: o ammettere
che tutti i loro calcoli sono sbagliati e le loro cifre non riescono a
descrivere il cielo, o rivelare che l'ordine degli dei è quello proprio che si
rispecchia nella città dei mostri.
Le città invisibili
Summoned to lay down the rules for the foundation
of Perinthia, the astronomers established the place
and the day according to the position of the stars;
they drew the intersecting lines of the decumanus
and the cardo, the first oriented to the passage of the
sun and the other like the axis on which the heavens
turn. They divided the map according to the twelve
houses of the zodiac so that each temple and each
neighborhood would receive the proper influence of
the favoring constellations; they fixed the point in
the walls where gates should be cut, foreseeing how
each would frame an eclipse of the moon in the next
thousand years. Perinthia-they guaranteed-would
reflect the harmony of the firmament; nature's reason
and the gods' benevolence would shape the inhabitants'
Following the astronomers' calculations precisely,
Perinthia was constructed; various peoples came to
populate it; the first generation born in Perinthia
began to grow within its walls; and these citizens
reached the age to marry and have children.
In Perinthia's streets and square today you encounter
cripples, dwarfs, hunchbacks, obese men,
bearded women. But the worse cannot be seen; guttural
howls are heard from cellars and lofts, where
families hide children with three heads or with six
Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult
choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations
were wrong and their figures are unable to
describe the heavens, or else they must reveal that
the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of
of Perinthia, the astronomers established the place
and the day according to the position of the stars;
they drew the intersecting lines of the decumanus
and the cardo, the first oriented to the passage of the
sun and the other like the axis on which the heavens
turn. They divided the map according to the twelve
houses of the zodiac so that each temple and each
neighborhood would receive the proper influence of
the favoring constellations; they fixed the point in
the walls where gates should be cut, foreseeing how
each would frame an eclipse of the moon in the next
thousand years. Perinthia-they guaranteed-would
reflect the harmony of the firmament; nature's reason
and the gods' benevolence would shape the inhabitants'
Following the astronomers' calculations precisely,
Perinthia was constructed; various peoples came to
populate it; the first generation born in Perinthia
began to grow within its walls; and these citizens
reached the age to marry and have children.
In Perinthia's streets and square today you encounter
cripples, dwarfs, hunchbacks, obese men,
bearded women. But the worse cannot be seen; guttural
howls are heard from cellars and lofts, where
families hide children with three heads or with six
Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult
choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations
were wrong and their figures are unable to
describe the heavens, or else they must reveal that
the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of
Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities
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